Garden roses from Lottum

You will find our garden center in the heart of the rose village of Lottum. With over 1100 different varieties, we are among the best-stocked online rose company in the Netherlands. Roses of a good quality and a fair price. You are also at the right address for an extensive range of garden plants, perennials, shrubs, climbing plants etc.

Through our web shop we only deliver roses on bare roots,  in other words pruned rose bushes without pots and soil. These roses come straight from the nursery; they are dug up in the fall and then pinned up: ready for shipment and planting in your garden. The bare root season runs from mid-October to mid-April. So you can order roses with bare roots throughout the year; they are delivered ready for planting from mid-October to mid-April.

Because of technical reason website open later. Date will be announced on website. End July or early August.





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