Garden roses from Lottum

You will find our company in the heart of the rose village of Lottum. With over 1100 different varieties, we are one of the best-stocked online rose companies worldwide. Roses of good quality at a fair price. 

Through our webshop we only supply roses on bare roots, or pruned rose bushes without pot and soil. These roses come straight from the nursery. They are dug up in the autumn and then stored. The bare root season runs from mid-October to mid-April. So you can order roses with bare roots all year round; they are delivered ready to plant from mid-October to mid-April. 

From the end of April, roses grown by us are sold in pots. Different prices apply for these than those stated on the website. Also, not all varieties on the website are available in pots! For potted roses you can always walk around the company in Lottum. The website is open again for orders this autumn! 

In case of problems with payments when completing your order or other questions. Feel free to contact us at 
See “frequently asked questions”





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