∙ Floribunda rose ∙ Lavender ∙ 90 cm ∙ Fragrant
∙ Continually Flowering Climbing Rose ∙ Pink lilac ∙ 300 cm ∙ Fragrant
∙ Rambler ∙ Pink ∙ 450 cm ∙ Fragrant
∙ Repeat flowering climbing rose ∙ White ∙ 350 cm ∙ Not fragrant
∙ Rambler ∙ White ∙ 500 cm ∙ Not fragrant
∙ Standard tree rose ∙ Cream and red stripes ∙ 90 cm. ∙ Not fragrant
∙ Hybrdi Tea rose ∙ Red, yellow edges ∙ 70 cm ∙ Fragrant
∙ Floribunda rose ∙ Yellow and red ∙ 70 cm ∙ Mild fragrance
∙ Polyantha / Floribunda rose ∙ Pink ∙ 60 cm ∙ Not fragrant
∙ Standard tree rose ∙ Pink ∙ 100 cm ∙ Not fragrant
∙ Polyantha / Floribunda rose ∙ Red ∙ 90 cm ∙ Not fragrant
∙ David Austin Rose ∙ Pink ∙ 120 cm ∙ Fragrant
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