With Symbivit you can plant roses in an existing rose bed without replacing the soil. It is important to remove the old roots and improve the soil with humus-rich garden soil, well-digested compost or manure.
The product can be sprinkled or made into a carrot dip with water and the gel powder supplied.
- Sprinkle the Symbivit pellets per rose at the bottom of the planting hole 20-25 g pellets
- Place the plant on top of the grains
- Fill the planting hole and press the soil
- Give water.
Carrot dip
- Mix the supplied gel powder with water to a thin paste (gel). Start with little water and then continue to dilute while stirring.
- Mix the granules well through the gel. If necessary, dilute the mixture with additional water; it may be thinner for dense root wigs.
- Immerse the roots in the mixture so that they are covered all around and plant immediately.
- Process the mixture within a day and do not allow it to freeze.
Revitalization of existing rose bed
Existing plantations can also get a second life with Symbivit. It is important that the Symbivit grains come close to the roots.
- Prick 5 to 10 - around 10 cm deep holes in the soil around the plant and scatter about 5 grams or 1 teaspoon of granules per hole, or
- carefully remove the top layer of soil and sprinkle 100 g / m2 on the exposed roots; then cover the roots again with soil.
Met Symbivit slaan rozen beter aan en het verhoogt de overlevingskans. Sterk aanbevolen bij herplant en risico's van bodemmoeheid.
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